Webdesign competition
Webdesign competition

webdesign competition
  1. #Webdesign competition how to#
  2. #Webdesign competition professional#

  • Proficient with website design and management.
  • Proficient with web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Preferred minimum of two years’ experience working in a post-secondary education setting.
  • Requires a diploma, certification, or degree preferably in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Web Development, Web Design, or combination of relevant education and experience.
  • Overall the Web Designer is responsible for creating and maintaining the information architecture, developing and assisting with content placement and enhancements, as well as providing graphic creative to facilitate effective communication on the Lakehead University website. As a result of all this hard work, you’ll have a conceptual model of a “perfect website.Reporting to the Manager of Web Development, the Web Designer (International Enrolment Initiatives) is responsible for the creation, implementation, and optimization of user-centered design solutions that enhance strategic enrolment initiatives. If you go layer by layer, asking this question every time and mentally applying the successful solution to your project, you will probably have a proper vision and understanding of what you need by the time you get to the Findings stage. So you’ll have to think really hard about the last folder. Mindlessly copying something without really understanding it is never a good idea. You can only use a similar solution if you have determined how and why it works for your competitors. You have gathered the best solutions, but let’s not forget that they are the best for the companies that employ them to reach specific goals pursuant to their own objectives and design. This is where you put the best examples for each parameter. Sherlock Holmes had the inductive method: from particulars to generals. You’ll be able to quickly and easily determine what works and why it does. Now move on to the next parameter, and so forth.Įxamining information pertaining to only one feature is the best way to avoid distractions. Mark the solution that would be optimum for your current project. Put the info you’ve collected into the relevant section of your Navigation folder. For example, compare navigation at websites 1, 2, and 3, disregarding everything else for the moment. Examine everything that has to do with this parameter only. We have folders for every occasion, don’t we? No, we’re not going to pile it all up and create a pinboard collage like in a bad cop movie.

    #Webdesign competition how to#

    Read more: How to Evaluate Design Quality Here are the most important characteristics that designers use to analyze a website: Layers: Competitors List, Structure, Usability, Navigation, Content, Design, Flaws, Findings. Put the search results into the Competitors List folder. Studying your “neighbors” will expand your options and can lead to interesting and useful ideas. Many companies copy similar design solutions off each other. Study the companies operating in related sectors.

    webdesign competition

    Remote testing tools such as usertesting or whatusersdo will allow you to see how well a competitive website works.ĭo not limit your search to direct competition only. A user survey is another good way to learn what products and services are the most popular. This can be done by relying on Forrester or Econsultancy reports. You need to determine which competitors are in high demand instead of wasting your time looking at all of them. Search in private mode to avoid getting personalized results.

    #Webdesign competition professional#

    Generally, the best places to look are search engines, social media, and professional platforms (LinkedIn, Upwork, Clutch, Dribbble, Behance, etc.). The exact answer depends on the type of your business. It saves you lots of time while ensuring you get all the salient information. What advantages and disadvantages does the competitor’s website have?īelow, we lay out a simple but effective method of analysis.How does the company achieve its goals?.What exactly makes this company / product / service unique?.Investigating your competitors should help you answer some pretty specific questions: The goal is to put together an objective picture of a given company’s success, not to choose the best design and creatively reinterpret it. This approach is a waste of time.Ĭompetitive analysis requires a dispassionate investigation. They make a critical assessment of design and consider the analysis done. The problem is that many designers only tend to notice the visuals. It’s a way to get both indispensable info and inspiration. For a designer, competitive website analysis is an essential planning stage.

    Webdesign competition